Caterina de Tilla
Founder and Partner
Headquarters – MILAN
In 2006 he founded the Milan office of the De Tilla Law Firm
Practice areas
– Civil litigation
– Bankruptcy
– Real estate
– Factoring
She graduated in Law at the University of Milan in 1999.
English, French
Main business areas
Corporate and commercial law, Litigation and civil and corporate arbitration, Bankruptcy law and corporate restructuring, Banking law.
Professional registers
Cassation lawyer. She has been enrolled in the Milan Bar since 2002.
Author of articles on civil and real estate law. Co-author with Nicola Ferraro of “Le locazioni (Tomo III), in Trattato – Il diritto Immobiliare”, Giuffré 2020. Co-author with others of “Codice del Nuovo Condominio”, The Giuffré Codes, Giuffrè, 2012; Co-author with others of “l’Affitto d’azienda. Profili giuridici, economico-aziendali e contabili. Il suo utilizzo nelle crisi d’impresa”, Egea, 2011; author of the entry Permuta, on Encyclopedia of Law, ed. Il Sole 24 Ore, 2008; co-author with others of “La tutela dell’acquirente di immobili in costruzione”, ed. Egea, 2007; co-author with others of “Codice annotato di Internet e dell’Informatica”, ed. Il Sole 24 Ore, 2001.